Please use the links to complete the required from. Please let us know if you have any difficulties. As this is new, we need to know if the forms don’t work!
Data Collection form
To be completed by all new pupils and information checked annually:
Medical information
To be completed by all new parents and updated when required:
Privacy Notice
To be read and agreed by all new parents:
Home School Behaviour Agreement
All new children and families please complete:
Consent form to use an image or photograph of an individual or Group
Please read with care, all new pupils need to give consent:
Acceptable use of Hwb+ for Primary (KS2)
To be completed by All Key Stage 2 pupils:
Acceptable use of Hwb+ for Primary (Foundation Phase)
To be completed by all Foundation Pupils:
Parent/Carer Routine visits consent form
All new children. THis is for going swimming and local trips:
Parent/Carer Non-Routine visits consent form
All children for each specific trip. Only complete when requested to do so:
Under 5’s and the Foundation Phase Milk schemes
All new parents of pupils in Foundation Phase please complete:
Walking to and From School Alone
Parental consent for children to walk to and from school. This is only to be completed by parents of children in Dosbarth Dinas Bran or Harlech:
Holiday Request Form
For when you want to take your child on holiday in school time. You will need to phone the office for attendance information to complete this form: