Beaumaris: Housekeeping 24/25

Welcome back! 
Please make note of the housekeeping information for our class this year: 

  • P.E Kit: P.E will be on a Monday. Please can children bring their P.E. kits into school ready. 
  • Book Bags: please can we have book bags returned by a Wednesday each week to give us time to read any comments and change books. 
  • Forest School: Forest school will continue to be on a Friday this year. Please make sure that children are in weather appropriate clothes and keep in mind that they will be getting messy! 
  • School Dinners: please make sure that you are booking your child’s dinner in advance using the parent pay system.
  •  Snack: Children will need to bring in their own healthy snack from home for break time.
  • Contact hours: Please keep our working days in mind if you are contacting us as messages may be missed ( Mrs Sant- Monday- Wednesday, Mrs Lawton- Wednesday PM- Friday).

Thank you for your continued support and we are looking forward to the year ahead!